Start with Why: A Digital Marketing Framework

“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it” – Simon Sinek If you haven’t yet seen this powerful TED talk from Simon Sinek then stop reading right now, and go and watch it. At the heart of this powerful presentation is the idea that is at the core of all effective marketing […]

Why You Can’t Just Jump on the Online Video Bandwagon

A potential client of mine recently came to me, in my role as Creative Director at Innovate Media, and was enthusiastically relating how he had attended a handful of social media and digital marketing workshops lately and all the speakers were touting the importance of web video for business.  Seriously, you should have heard this […]

Engage Video Marketing is launched

Here it is… my new brand and platform for connecting with professional services, marketers and innovative entrepreneurs interested in making the most of online video when marketing their business. Engage Video Marketing will be a platform for sharing best practice, educating, inspiring and motivating business people from around the world working in or with professional service […]