Editing Video in Canva – 2 Quick Tips
With the recent introduction of Canva’s in-built video editor, the world for DIY video marketers has really opened up because without any knowledge of pro editing apps like Final Cut Pro, DaVinci Resolve, or Premier Pro, we can now do so much just within Canva to actually get our videos edited and up on social […]
How to Write a Good Youtube Description (2021)
When it comes to YouTube optimization, one of the things that I see most commonly underutilised is the YouTube descriptions. But how important are YouTube descriptions now anyway, and how can we maximize that space in order to set up our videos for maximum success? When it comes to YouTube optimization, you probably already understand […]
YouTube or Vimeo: Where Should I Host My Business Videos?
So, you’ve got your awesome, shiny new videos for your business, and you’re thinking where should I upload my videos? How do I even get them on my website? You might be thinking YouTube or maybe Vidyard or perhaps your website, dude is telling you to host them on the website itself. Well, my friend […]
How to Create a YouTube Auto-Subscribe Link (from your website)
When you’re building your YouTube channel, you definitely want to be telling people about it everywhere. And how would it be if you had one easy to remember URL that you could share that would not only send people to you YouTube channel, but ask them to subscribe in just one click. I’m going to […]
How to Send Videos in Email (3 ways)
Whether it’s for an email newsletter, 1;1 prospecting, a sales email, customer support or just sending a video to your mum… getting your video included properly into your email can be frustrating. In this video I’m sharing my favourite three ways to get your video seamlessly included in the body of your email so that […]
How to Write a Killer YouTube Video Script
Okay, so you want to know how to write a killer YouTube Video script to engage your audience, get them watching… keep them watching and grow your channel? Well, my advice around this has changed over the years so in this article I’ll be breaking down what I consider best practice for writing and structuring […]
How to Present on Camera – 6 Practical Tips!
Let’s cut to the chase… You want practical tips so you can learn to present well on camera, overcome your fears and communicate your message? In this article, it’s all about practical tips that will make your on camera presentation better. And remember, practice DOES make perfect, so get started and you WILL get more […]