How to Write a Killer YouTube Video Script
Okay, so you want to know how to write a killer YouTube Video script to engage your audience, get them watching… keep them watching and grow your channel? Well, my advice around this has changed over the years so in this article I’ll be breaking down what I consider best practice for writing and structuring […]
Why you need to be Blogging Your Vlogs
So text is out and video is in. But don’t be too quick to send those scripts to your trash can. Check out the video above for a quick video strategy tip for you. And it’s all about why you can’t ignore text blogging when you’re shifting priority to video blogging or vlogging. You see, […]
Why you probably don’t want a Viral video
We’ve all seen them – viral videos with millions of views. Maybe you’re thinking, if only, then success will come. The truth is there’s more to turning a viral video into a success story than meets the eye. But when it comes down to it, do you really want a million + views on your video? Is […]
The importance of building subscribers through your video strategy: Top 3 Tips
“Friends, Romans, Countrymen. Lend me your ears” I’m reminded of those memorable words proclaimed by Mark Antony in Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’ (Act 3: Scene 2), and although your particular online video strategy might not be targeting Romans directly, you are certainly wanting to encourage your audience to ‘lend you their ears’… and their eyes… and […]
#AskEngage Ep 01 – Is Facebook the Future of Video?
Here it is… the first of my ongoing series of Q & A videos ‘Ask and Engage’ In this weeks episode I’m responding to a question I’m getting a lot at the moment. Is YouTube dead? Is Facebook Video the Future for Online Video content? The simple answer is… no. YouTube is not dead and […]