7 Stages for Compelling Brand Story Video
Storytelling, it can be a bit of a buzzword when it comes to marketing, but when it comes to video marketing, telling a brand story in the right way is a very powerful tool to have in your toolkit. So in this article, I’m going to share with you seven stages to a compelling brand […]
How to Write a Killer YouTube Video Script
Okay, so you want to know how to write a killer YouTube Video script to engage your audience, get them watching… keep them watching and grow your channel? Well, my advice around this has changed over the years so in this article I’ll be breaking down what I consider best practice for writing and structuring […]
How to Hook Viewer Retention and Keep them Watching (5 Tips)
Do you have the attention span of a Goldfish? Well… apparently you’re not alone. And when it comes to video you know you need to hook your audience’s attention quickly in order to get them watching and keep them watching. The Hook – the hook in your video is those critical opening seconds, in which […]