Your Clients Don’t Want Video (Why VIDEO STRATEGY Matters)

Your clients are coming to you to produce them an awesome video, but here’s the thing – they don’t actually want a video, nope, it’s not the video that they want – it’s what the video will do for them that they’re really after, the result that the video will provide for their business. So, […]

YouTube or Vimeo: Where Should I Host My Business Videos?

So, you’ve got your awesome, shiny new videos for your business, and you’re thinking where should I upload my videos? How do I even get them on my website? You might be thinking YouTube or maybe Vidyard or perhaps your website, dude is telling you to host them on the website itself. Well, my friend […]

Social Media Video Sizes and Ratios

When you’re thinking about repurposing video content specifically for native use on social media platforms, sometimes it can be very confusing as to which ratio you should be using. In other words, what size should the video be? You’ve got vertical video, square video, horizontal video. You’ve got all sorts of sizes of video in […]

Hire a Video Professional or DIY – The Cost Vs Quantity Inverse Rule

When you’re planning on doing video for your business you tend to be faced with two immediate choices… can we do this ourselves? Or should we hire a professional videographer? And the answer my friend is simply not black and white, there is no one right or wrong answer. However, in this article I’m going […]

Video Strategy for Business – 7 Questions to Ask

When you’re planning out a video strategy for your business, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and either not take action as a result or take the wrong action, which fails to get results. So in this article, I’m going to share with you 7 simple questions that you can ask yourself so that you can […]

How to get over the nerves when being on camera?

Video works. So, what’s stopping you doing more video in your digital marketing strategy?  Well, for many people it’s often nerves that get the better of them so in this short post I’m going to share with you my top tips for getting over the nervousness of being on camera. [video_player type=”youtube” youtube_remove_logo=”Y” youtube_show_title_bar=”Y” width=”560″ […]