“People don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it” – Simon Sinek
If you haven’t yet seen this powerful TED talk from Simon Sinek then stop reading right now, and go and watch it.
At the heart of this powerful presentation is the idea that is at the core of all effective marketing strategy, and influences the most influential business people in any industry (whether they realise this or not). In short, if people don’t buy into your ‘Why’ then they sure as likely are not going to buy into you, or your product, or service. The simple truth is that if you’re wanting to engage your market online, and in particular through video and you are not clear on your Why, then you will undoubtedly miss the mark, and definitely ‘miss’ your market.
So, how do you find your Why?
Simon Sinek describes your Why as the ‘purpose, cause or belief that inspires you to do what you do.’ It’s your reason for getting out of bed in the morning and for being (or staying) in the profession you’ve chosen. It’s the drive that pushes you to succeed with your clients or to grow and develop in your business. Your Why is not money, or financial reward – that’s a result not a reason. Your Why in your business will come from your people, it should be driven by your Directors or Founders, it should be embraced and personified by your team, it should be real, and at the forefront of your business everyday.
Let’s work through a framework for finding your Why, and consider how gaining clarity on this can equal real results for you in business and in your digital marketing strategy.
Step 1: Define Your Core Values
What’s important to you? What values drive you in moving forward in life? What are the main things that inspire you to take action, to do things that are difficult to do, or make one decision over another. Write down your top 5, in order, on real paper.
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(examples: family, health, freedom, adventure, service, impact, flexibility, success)
Step 2: Set Your Goals
Taking action means nothing without clarity on your journey, and where you want to end up. Setting goals on both a macro and a micro level, that align with your core values, provides focus and accountability to your strategy. Your Why will reflect your goals, so take the time to get these on paper too.
Personal Goals: (what are your top 5 to achieve in the next 12 months, or 5 years)
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Professional Goals: (what are your top 5 to achieve in your business or career the next 12 months, or 5 years) – NOTE: these should align with your personal goals above.
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Step 3. Identify Your Intention to Influence
In the first two steps we gained clarity on our beliefs and our purpose in both life and profession however this really means nothing if we have not considered who we aim to engage with or influence through our work. Knowing your Why, needs to have a context for lasting change within your real world. If you are not clear on who you want to have an impact on in life and business then you’re destined to cruise through life achieving very little. Not least of which, in the context of your marketing strategy, having no clarity on the target audience you aim to influence is a great way to fail.
Those that you intend to influence should align with your goals (both professional and personal), be congruent with your core values, and tap into your passion.
Let’s work through a framework for identifying the target of your influence.
- What do you love talking about more than anything (in business or life)?
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - What is the problem that this passion can solve for someone?
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - What is your method for solving that problem?
____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ - Who are the people who have this problem?
The answers to the above questions when driven by the results of the first two steps will become your why. Your next step… massage those thoughts into a clear ‘Why’ statement.
My Why?
I’d love to share with you today my ‘Why’ statement, which drives my business and frames my digital marketing approach across my multiple businesses. I’ve developed this myself using the framework above.
I’m passionate about engaging people and growing businesses. I’m a curious learner with a drive to innovate with technologies, whilst encouraging authentic marketing. I want to show inspired professionals and corporate influencers how to grow market reach and revenue in the real world by tapping into the power of online video marketing for their business.
What do you think? I would love for you to share your ‘Why Statement’ in the comments.