Episode 74 of Engage Video Marketing is a solo episode with me, Ben Amos, and I share with you the audio of my Facebook live mini masterclass on the differences between having client testimonial videos and what we prefer businesses to steer towards which is a client story video.
In this episode, I discuss the following:
- A backgrounder on the Full Funnel Video Strategy Framework and how telling stories come into the framework.
- The advantages of making a client story over a client testimonial video.
- The stark difference of client testimonials vs a client story is shown through an example.
- Why does story work so well at reaching more effectively with a brand message?
- The 7-step framework for creating and crafting client stories.
- I break down my examples and how it follows the 7-step framework.
Links mentioned in the show
Engage Video Marketing Community
Online Video Strategy Blueprint Course
Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller