As a smart video marketer, looking for ways that we can help our clients understand the real ROI (return on investment) of the work that our videos are doing for their business is critical. But when we think about data, analytics, it can be seriously overwhelming. So in this episode, my guest is going to help us tame the analytics beast. Let’s get into it.
Brie E Anderson is a self-proclaimed analytical nerd with a soft spot for strategy. With over 10 years in digital marketing, Brie has worked with businesses of all sizes to create integrated digital marketing strategies that move the needle based on research and analysis. Today she is the owner of BEAST Analytics and a regular contributor to industry publications such as Moz and Search Engine Journal.
In this episode we cover:
- A short intro to Brie and what she does.
- Why analytics matter.
- How we should be working out what data to look for and what to ignore
- How platform analytics/insights work compared to google analytics and how can we get them working together.
- If using video on landing/sales pages, what platform would be recommended in order to track audience engagement, and behaviour?
- For video marketers, how can they best work with clients to get the right insights to show ROI?