EWS Ep #1: Welcome to Engage With Story
Entrepreneur, speaker and entertainment exec Peter Guber says it beautifully;
“Today everyone, whether they know it or not, is in the emotional transportation business. More and more, success is won by creating compelling stories that have the power to move people to action. Simply put, if you can’t tell it, you can’t sell it.”
Welcome to the Engage With Story Podcast. Through the podcast I’ll be chatting to some of the best digital storytellers, marketers, content creators and business people to deconstruct how to engage an audience, and move them to take action through storytelling.
I’ll also be sharing with you case studies, ideas and tactics you can implement to help you become a better storyteller to affect change in your business and life. And the best part of all, is I plan to be learning heaps alongside you as we go.
So, who am I… and why the engage with story podcast? In short, I’m a business owner, entrepreneur, speaker and passionate online video strategist.
I’ve been working with many businesses over the last 7 years to tell their brand story through online video, and in recent years I’ve become passionate about sharing with others the power of using online video strategically in their marketing.
Storytelling and Video simply go hand in hand. But there really is so much more to engaging through story that I need to learn. This podcast is my way of taking you, the listener, on that journey with me.
[ctt title=”The Engage With Story podcast explores how storytelling moves people to take action” tweet=”The Engage With Story podcast by @engage_ben explores how storytelling moves people to take action. ” coverup=”S92I2″]
Each episode I’ll be sharing with you a guest who understands the power of good story and can share with us some insight into how to improve our approach to story to affect the change that drives us and our businesses.
We may be exploring how story can drive more awareness of a brand, or encourage deeper connection to an idea, to create a movement, to elicit a reaction or sell a product. In some cases we’ll be exploring the science of story, human behaviour and crafting emotional stimulus. Finally, I’ll be bringing some of the best story artists to you, as we learn from their craft and find inspiration in their journey.
I’m always looking for guest ideas or areas that you guys want me to focus on so be sure to hit me up.
You can learn more about the Engage With Story podcast over at engagevideomarketing.com/podcast but for now – I’d love you to subscribe over on iTunes and let me know your feedback on the first episodes.
And of course, you can always reach out to me direct by email ben-at-engagevideomarketing-dot-com or tweet me @engage_ben
I’m stoked to be bringing the Engage With Story podcast to life and to share the journey with you. So until the next episode take care and go tell powerful stories.
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